Tag Archives: Fox Kansas

And the ball keeps rolling…

4 Apr

I wanted to update everyone on all the great things happening for Street Outreach!

The Wichita Eagle ran a front page story today on the donation drive. You can read it here: http://www.kansas.com/2011/04/04/1792447/fundraiser-will-aid-kids-forced.html

I spoke with Heather Larsen of Power 93.9’s Hitman & Heather morning radio show this morning. They’ll be running the interview on air Tuesday morning around 9am-ish. She also put together a wonderful blog post here: http://blogs.power939.com/heather/2011/04/04/donation-drive-for-wichita-childrens-home-on-tuesday-april-5/

My friends over at Wichita on the Cheap ran this story on their site: http://wichitaonthecheap.com/2011/04/03/share-from-your-stockpile-donation-drive-tuesday-at-heroes-in-old-town/

And…as I’m typing this update, I just got a call from KWCH’s Rebecca Gannon who I’ll be interviewing with in a couple hours! (Be kind…I have a face for radio, not TV!)

Edited to add link: http://www.kwch.com/news/kwch-news-rag-donations-for-homeless-wichita-teenagers-20110404,0,2390206.story

The kids at Andover Middle School will be participating in a drive during the week of April 11-15. They are excited to help out!

I’m hearing from individuals, businesses, non-profits and church groups who are planning to bring donations and/or attend the volunteer training Tuesday evening at 6pm at WCH.

The Facebook event page for the Donation Drive is here: https://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=204957449534420

And the wishlist can be found here: http://wch.org/images/uploads/wish_list.pdf

And if you can’t make it on Tuesday, you can donate online at: http://wch.org/index.php/giving/donate